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Keynote Speakers

The opening of the plenary session

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Luk Warlop

BI Norwegian Business School

Topic: On Wanting (All of It, Now)

Luk Warlop is a Professor of Marketing at the BI Norwegian Business School. He obtained a Master’s degree in (organisational) psychology (1986) and an MBA (1988) at the KU Leuven, as well as a PhD in marketing (1995) at the University of Florida. He studies individual consumer decision making and the social psychology of consumer behavior. His research has been published in J. Consumer Research, J. Marketing Research, J. Consumer Psychology, Int. J. Research in Marketing, J. Accounting Research, Management Science, J. Service Research, J. Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science, and several others. His work has been recognised with a best paper award and an long term impact award at the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), and with an IgNobel Prize. He is currently Associate Editor fo the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, member of the Board of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, and the former president of the European Marketing Academy (2018-2021).


Academic speakers

Joseph Devlin

University College London, Faculty of Brain Sciences

Topic: Reading Consumer Minds: the Truth, Fiction and Ethics of Neuromarketing

Dr. Joseph Devlin is a professor at the UCL, London. Joseph received his PhD in artificial intelligence but found himself more interested in how the human mind works. After training in neuroimaging at Cambridge and Oxford, he established a reputation as a leader in how the human brain processes language before taking up positions as Head of Experimental Psychology and then as Vice-Dean of Innovation and Enterprise at UCL. Joe runs workshops on consumer neuroscience and has led projects with a variety of partners, including Audible, Vue Cinemas, Shiseido, The Times, and the BBC.

Traditional market research uses interviews, surveys and focus groups to better understand the impact of advertising and to predict the efficacy of campaigns. The accuracy of the results, however, is constrained by the consumer’s ability to explain their decision making – a skill humans are very poor at! To overcome this fundamental limitation, neuromarketing has adopted the tools of modern neuroscience to read the relevant information directly from consumer brains. Mind reading is not an easy task. The field is littered with spectacular failures from early 19th century phrenology to modern AI algorithms. And yet, there are also genuine advances. In this talk, I will review the neuroscience being used to accurately read minds and its limitations, focusing on how it can be used to enhance product development, understand consumer behaviour and predict market-level campaign performance. Inevitably this raises questions about where to draw the line between ethical and immoral uses of this technology. I propose five principles of neuro-ethical behaviour that provide a foundation for developing a Human Right of Cognitive Liberty.

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Sigitas Urbonavičius

Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Topic: Willingness to Disclose Personal Data Online: Factors, Situations, Trends

Sigitas Urbonavičius is a Professor of Marketing at Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. He is the Chair of the Marketing Department, a member of the Lithuanian Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology, an expert of the Research Council of Lithuania. Current research interests include moral aspects of marketing, buyer online behaviours, and privacy issues.

Modern society exchanges increasingly large amounts of information about its members. Client data helps to personalize marketing offerings and optimize business interactions; clients also benefit from the disclosure of their personal data, since they receive better targeted offerings and faster interaction with online stores or service providers. However, the disclosure of personal data is dependent on privacy concerns that generate various levels of willingness to disclose personal data. Being rather restrictive in online purchasing, people rather willingly disclose information about themselves in social networking or other online activities. The issue was approached from the standpoint of Social Exchange Theory, and three subsequent studies helped to see several new insights into modelling willingness to disclose personal data. Interesting effects of exaggerated distrust, relationship between social networking and online buying, importance of regulatory environments – all that raises new questions that may attract attention of research community. Will be happy to present some findings!


Business Speakers

Dovydas Čeilutka

Artificial Intelligence Association of Lithuania, Vinted, Tribe of AI, Turing College

Topic: Influencing People’s Decisions with Machine Learning

Dovydas Čeilutka is the president of the Artificial Intelligence Association of Lithuania, the machine learning team lead at Vinted, and the data science course lead at Turing College. Dovydas focus is on using data science and machine learning to bring business value through building machine learning-powered products. He is passionate about making the whole machine learning project workflow fast and efficient – from aligning the business objectives and metrics, to training and tuning the machine learning models to deploying, evaluating, and monitoring the models in production. Dovydas is also active in the artificial intelligence community in Lithuania, where he along with his colleagues from the Artificial Intelligence Association of Lithuania organise various types of workshops, meetups, and other events.

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Domantas Gailius

Inspired Communications, KOG institute

Topic: Before Reshaping Marketing, We Should Shape It Right in a First Place

Partner and CBDO at Inspired Communications, partner and founder of KOG institute for communication science. Domantas has 21 years of experience in advertising and media planning. In practice, he is regular lecturer at the KOG Institute, The Atomic Garden School, guest lecturer at VU, as well as speaker at marketing conferences. As the founder of the KOG Institute, he has the ability to bring together a wide range of marketing professionals and practitioners to share their knowledge with the marketing community. The fruits of these activities include the development and implementation of marketing communication strategies for major Lithuanian and foreign brands (VP Group, MV Group, Telia, Tele2, IKI, Nestle, Luminor, Swedbank, etc.) and for the public sector (the Lithuanian Tourism Department’s strategy for media buying in order to attract foreign tourists by selecting target countries, defining the principles of investment in advertising, and formulating the analytical framework for evaluating the ROI).

The narratives that prevail in the professional community, created and reproduced in the public sphere, make us believe that our world is a new and unfamiliar planet, where we must constantly learn to live anew. On the one hand, the abundance of information, activities and choices severely reduces people’s attention to brand communication. On the other hand, the abundance of technologies, media channels and shopping methods makes it difficult for marketers to choose. Changing cultural, generational and value attitudes make it necessary to constantly rethink the arguments used in communication. You may find a petrol station brand manager considering how to make his brand sustainable and a crisp manufacturer considering how to have a brand purpose, both looking at how to increase online sales. This may be relevant if such a customer segment is found in the standard marketing STP model and the value generated is sufficient, there is a clear opportunity to reach such a segment and the positioning will be influential for this segment. But how many brands have segmentation based on research and economic indicators? How many marketing investment choices are shaped by segmentation? Are the messages sent based on the needs of the chosen segment for the category in which the brand operates? And most importantly, whether all employees and the CFO understand the marketing plan as an investment or see it as a vague but unavoidable necessity. If all this is not the case, unfortunately there is nothing to reshape.

Rūta Gaudiešienė

Civitta, Customer-Centric Consultancy (CCC)

Topic: The Art of Marketing in the Technology-Based World

Partner at Civitta ( and Head of Customer-Centric Consultancy (CCC). 20+ years of experience in Marketing and Market Research. Rūta has been involved in coordinating and implementing more than 5,000 different research projects. Rūta is an expert in the social sector (society values, social change, social marketing), strategic marketing (brand positioning, internal and external communication management, consumer behaviour, values), ROMI (brand value and marketing investments cost-effectiveness evaluation), and the jury member at the Marketing Efficiency Awards Competition “PASSWORD”, with expert experience under the supervision and guidance of change management and advising private sector companies and public bodies in strategic decisions. Topic: The art of marketing in the technology-based world.

Technology is changing marketing at an incredible speed. The abundance of digital marketing platforms, tactics and technical capabilities has never been greater than they are right now.  The challenge for marketing leaders and their teams today is not based on limitations in options. On the contrary, the challenge is to make the right decisions on how to focus attention and resources where it matters most.
On the other hand, the world is undergoing fundamental changes and we cannot ignore them by playing in our toy boxes. Consumer fatigue with brands communication and declining loyalty, inflation, political instability and, finally, pandemic-induced behavioral changes are all creating a new space for us to rethink traditional marketing rules.
In my presentation, I will outline what I consider to be the three most important areas of change in marketing thinking: – in Sales, Branding and Customer Relationships management.
At the end of the presentation, I’ll invite you to take a glimpse into the future and discuss how artificial intelligence will change the way marketers work.

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Time zone currently being used in Lithuania: Eastern European Summer Time, EEST, (UTC+3)

The time zone converter and time difference calculator are here.


Pre-Conference 3rd Early-Stage Researcher Symposium

Kaunas, Lithuania, 21 September

ERS is an initiative of EMAC for early-stage researchers, including young lecturers, postdocs, PhD students as well as senior researchers who want to learn more about how to conduct research and publish. The symposium provides an opportunity to learn from experienced researchers and supports the development of professional skills for building an academic career. The ERS is an opportunity to meet like-minded people, present your research interests, exchange ideas and potentially start project collaborations and networking.

We are pleased to announce that three renowned scholars in the field of marketing are willing to share their research experiences and insights related to high quality research in marketing:

  • Luk Warlop, BI Norwegian Business School. Marketing for a Better World: How to Use Skills of Marketing Researcher for the Better of the World?
  • Tammo Bijmolt, University of Groningen. Challenges of Being a Researcher, Becoming a Researcher.
  • Elif Karaosmanoglu, Istanbul Technical University. How to Cooperate with Companies?

The symposium will conclude with a networking session on research collaborations, chaired by ERS, Vesna Zabkar, University of Ljubljana and Luk Warlop, BI Norwegian Business School. Our guests at the session will be Elif Karaosmanoglu, EMAC VP Conferences, Corina Pelau, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, and Mirkó Gáti, Corvinus University of Budapest, for EMAC Climber Community.

If you plan to attend ERS, you need to do the following:

  • If you attend the EMAC Regional Conference:

On the registration form, reply “Yes” to the Additional questions/options:

I will participate in the Early Researcher Symposium

  • If you DO NOT attend the EMAC Regional Conference: Please contact the conference organisers ( to register (hybrid option will be available) (21/09).

If you have any questions related to ERS, please do not hesitate to contact Anne-Laure Marteaux, EMAC Executive Secretary (


Parallel workshops

Shahrokh Nikou
Åbo Akademi University

Rūta Kazlauskaitė
ISM University of Management and Economics

Shahrokh Nikou is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Åbo Akademi University. He received a doctorate from ÅAU in 2012 and became a Docent in Information Systems in 2014. He has MSc in Computer Networks from the Royal University of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden), 2008, and MSc in Computer Sciences from ÅAU 2009. Shahrokh is also affiliated with the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at the Stockholm University.

His research interests relate to digitalisation in entrepreneurship, healthcare services and higher education with a particular focus on the digital transformation as enablers for the organisational change. He has practical and academic experience in higher education research. He is one of the leading scholars at his home university on research methods, both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Dr. Nikou has been involved in several national and international research projects and collaborates with a number of international universities, such as Stockholm University, Delft University of Technology, Kaunas University of Technology, the University of Trento, Uppsala University, Korea University, University College Lillebaelt (UCL)in Odense, Denmark, as well as Babson College, USA.

Shahrokh has published more than 95 peer-reviewed articles in academic journals and conference proceedings, mostly on digitalisation, digital transformation, business models and business model innovation, as well as research in healthcare, entrepreneurship and higher education using sophisticated and advanced research methods and data analysis techniques.

He is an Associate Editor in the Journal of Electronic Markets (Springer) and Digital Business Journal (Elsevier), Academic Editor in PLOSONE, Section Editor in the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. He is also a member of the editorial board of Telematics and Informatics, Electronic Markets, International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), the Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) and International Journal of Electronic Business Research (IJEBR).

The fundamentals of structural equation modelling will be discussed in this workshop. The Smart PLS will be used as a tool to understand the fundamental and necessary stages, such as data cleansing, as well as more advanced steps, such as path analysis.

Practical issues: workshop participants are required to bring their own laptop computer.

Rūta Kazlauskaitė is a Professor of Human Resource Management at ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania. Her research focuses on responsible and comparative human resource management, corporate social responsibility, employee and societal well-being, and work environment. Her research publication received Emerald Citations of Excellence Award. She is Editor-in-Chief of the Baltic Journal of Management, a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Human Resource Management, and an ad hoc reviewer for a dozen of other leading journals.

This seminar will discuss the major elements of a publishable paper from an editorial perspective. It will also address common pitfalls and traps of the publishing process that authors fall into and provide some tips to avoid them.


Onsite initiatives

Pop-up digital lab: Neuromarketing & AI led
by KTU SEB researcher Eglė Vaičiukynaitė

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Onsite initiatives will be led by Digitalization Research Group Researcher Egle Vaiciukynaite from Kaunas University of Technology.

The concept “a pop-up digital Neuromarketing & AI lab” represents a new type of laboratory that can be empowered through digital technologies. The lab seeks to present the latest digital solutions in neuromarketing and AI for marketing specialists.

A few demonstrations with digital brand communication units and packages will include tools like an eye-gaze prediction solution, mobile and machine learning-based eye tracking, as well as emotion recognition software. Additionally, several AI solutions such as an image memorability solution, a prototype of social media AI created by EMODI (KTU) will be involved, etc.

Note: This entertaining initiative will be free of charge and accessible on conference premises for all conference attendees.


Social Events



A. Aleksandravičius, Kaunas IN

Kaunas radiates contemporary European attitude and its vast history. Current architecture, impressive interwar modernism, the old town rooftops and street art – all compliment each other. It’s the best to start your trip in the Old Town – enjoyable experiences await!

With the help of a professional tour guide you will find facts, stories and legends about the most important places and murals such as Kaunas Castle, The Old Wise Man, Kaunas Town Hall Square, The Kaunas St. Peter and St. Paul Cathedral, Vytautas the Great Church (Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Thunder House, Laisvės Avenue, Yard Gallery, The Pink Elephant, and much more.

Duration: 3 hours

Meeting point: Kaunas Castle (Pilies g. 17)

For registered participants only (limited to 35 attendees)


A. Aleksandravičius, Kaunas IN

In 2015 Kaunas was granted the sign of European heritage and included into the list of UNESCO Design Cities. Nowadays – this is an exceptional inheritance, witnessing the golden period of flourishment of the city, when Kaunas as a historical capital of Lithuania developed its modernistic architecture in parallel with other European cities. Don’t miss the chance of learning the phenomenon of modernistic architecture combining with national style elements.

Duration: 2 hours

Meeting point: former Central Post Office (Laisvės al. 102)

For registered participants only (limited to 35 attendees)